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Naughty stuff - Our journey into the world of awesome sex, and ultimate intimacy. If this is your first time here, start with the earliest archive.

Friday, August 29, 2003

I accepted an offer from American Warrior Princess to be interviewed. Below are her questions (Good ones!!) and my responses. If you'd to play along, here are the rules:

1. If you want to participate, leave me a comment saying "interview me."
2. I will respond by asking you five questions - each person's will be different.
3. You will update your journal with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview others in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.

On to the Q & A.

1. What is the most unusual thing you've ever been turned on by?

Defining what constitutes unusual is a tough one, what's unusual to some, may not be to others. At the risk of changing the intent of the question, I'm going to break it into two parts: The things I was surprised I was turned on by, and the most unusual.

I was most surprised to discover that it would turn me on to give a guy a blow job. I want to feel what it's like to have someone come in my mouth. Second is how much I enjoy anal stimulation, particularly from various body parts. There's nothing like the feeling of fingers or toes wiggling around inside you. I suppose I always have had a desire for these things, but repressed them for most of my life. All that changed when I met Slutmuffin, and felt secure enough to explore and express my deepest thoughts and fantasies.

The most unusual thing that turned me on. At one of the local zoos, there is a male zebra with the most amazing schlong you've ever seen; It has to be two feet long. (I have no idea if this is normal for zebras.) The real turn-on was listening to two women I overheard discussing, in hushed reverent tones at the size of the thing. I knew that they were extremely turned on, they were both flushed, licking their lips, and glassy eyed.

2. If you went through a desert on a horse would you name it? If so, what would the name be?

I would almost certainly name it, but it would depend largely on the situation, and the characteristics of the horse:
- A cantankerous horse I would name "Cranklebeast."
- A calm, plodding animal I would name "Juggernaut."
- An energetic horse I would call "Chill"
If he died, I'd call him "Meat."

3. If you could have completely consequence free sex with one person (no one but you would remember the next day and, in that universe, there is no reason for guilt) with any provisions you desire (i.e. they don't speak), who would it be and what provisions would you enforce?

It would be completely dark; I would have no idea who the other person was, and (sorry to use the given example.) no talking, there would be nothing but the two of us in a comfortable place and the freedom to express any desire or fantasy.

4. Are fake boobs a good thing? Would you (or have you) ever had surgery for purely cosmetic reasons?

Nah, I don't care much for them. They generally "look" fake, and I can imagine they feel that way. I might consider cosmetic surgery to correct an obvious and unattractive flaw, but nothing along the lines of a facelift.

5. If you had to give an hour long speech with only 1/2 hrs notice, what would you talk about? Would there be visual aids?

I'd talk about places I've been, and some of the things I've experienced, and some of the more interesting people I've met. A map would be my only visual aid.

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